‘Operation Bawaria’ that inspired Karthi's Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru In keeping with the trend of movies based on true incidents, actor Karthi’s latest action thriller Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru will depict one of the meticulously planned operations of the Tamil Nadu police that led to the gunning down of two members of the deadly Bawaria criminal tribes in Uttar Pradesh and arrest of others more than a decade ago. The operation against the criminals was launched in January 2005 soon after the murder of AIADMK Gummidipoondi MLA Sudarsanam. When armed dacoits struck affluent houses along National Highways in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, the then Chief Minister Jayalalithaa ordered intensive action against the culprits. A special team led by the then Inspector-General of Police (North Zone) S. R. Jangid worked in closed coordination with the Uttar Pradesh police and Central intelligence agencies to track down Oma Bawaria, Bsura Bawaria,...
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